USY – Machar Lounge
December 11, 2022, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Machar (Grades K-2nd)
TEC’s Youth Department offers a program called Machar. The program meets once a month for an event after Religious School. Lunch or snacks are served at every event and the program is co-led by our USY department for leadership training.
Various activities at each event can include: Art, Dance, Games, Songs, Prayers, Ruach, and much much more! We strive to incorporate Jewish values and holidays into our events as as learning leadership building skills, social action projects and tikkun olam.
Most of all, this program will help keep children in the community connected as Jews. Machar brings children together in a social setting while introducing them to Kadima and the USY world that awaits them!
Contact Cindy Goldberg, Programming & Youth Director, at or (805) 494-3648 for more information about our Youth Department.