
A Vibrant Community

Temple Etz Chaim’s vibrant community adds a dynamic side to Temple life!

Throughout the history of Temple Etz Chaim, our community has found spirituality, thoughtfulness and fun through out amazing volunteers. Our volunteers are the backbone of our synagogue and, in addition to being so vital to the ongoing presence of TEC, our volunteers allow for opportunities to meet others, give back and find friendship and camaraderie with others!

We invite to join us!

  • Our Religion & Worship Committee meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month to discuss all the services throughout the year. The Committee also administers the Torah readers for each Shabbat, and meets with Rabbi Averbach to discuss how to make our services more meaningful and impactful.
  • Our Men’s Club and Women of TEC provide the often-missed and overlooked opportunity for adults to meet other adults away from work, carpools and endless errands. Both organizations are award-winning groups for prayer, study and entertainment.
  • Our Social Action Committee meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month and sponsors many activities that allow us to give back to our community, our country and Israel. We feed the homeless, sponsor blood drives and help raise money for Israel. Annually, we participate in Mitzvah Day, Relay for Life and the Conejo Valley Walk to End Genocide, and we regularly provide produce for families at Westminster Free Clinic.
  • Our Education Committee meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every months and advises and provides counsel to the Director of our Religious School. The Committee reviews procedures and policies regarding Religious School activities and works with the Religious school to develop innovative and creative programming for our students.
  • Our Youth Programs is where our children meet in a variety of situations from social to spiritual. In addition to activities at our own Temple, they also attend local, regional and national events, where they can interact with Jewish youth from throughout California and the nation.
  • Our Membership Committee meets regularly, with the goal of bringing in new members, conducting new member orientation programs and fun events and parties to welcome those who would like to join our growing community.
  • We have Havurot for families of every shape and size including young families, single-parent families, empty-nested couples and senior groups. Many of our Havurot have been together for more than twenty years.

Find friendship and companionship in one of our social or service organizations!