High Holidays

Temple Etz Chaim is thrilled to welcome you to our in-person services in the newly renovated Beit Midrash to worship and observe the High Holidays for 2023 / 5784. 

We look forward to seeing you and hope that you will join us for as many services, traditions and events as possible as we welcome the new year.

If you would prefer to worship from home, our services will be available via our YouTube Channel, and we hope you can participate remotely. Please find our schedule below!

High Holidays 2023/5784 Schedule

TEC High Holidays 2023/5784 Frequently Asked Questions:

What options are there for families? In addition to Family Services on the mornings of the 1st day of Rosh Hashanah (Sep. 16) and Yom Kippur (Sep. 25), we have additional events for kids of all ages. Tashlich and Havdalah services will be held at the beach on Sunday, Sep. 17. As a reminder, child care is available for our infant-preschool age congregants during the morning services. Click here to register.

What will Security entail? TEC will have numerous guards stationed throughout the campus to ensure the safety of all. All attendees will be required to pass through a metal detector and have their bags checked. VCSD will make additional patrols and will stop in periodically to ensure safety. We will have a single entrance and exit. If you do exit the building, you will be required to go through security to re-enter.

Do I need tickets? Yes! Tickets must be displayed and available at entrance. Tickets will be checked by the Temple staff, Board Members and/or security personnel.

How do I get tickets? All active members in good standing will be automatically mailed their tickets. Please contact the Temple office if you require additional tickets, would like to purchase reserved parking, or have questions about your account.

What if I lose my tickets? If your tickets are not available or if they have been forgotten or misplaced, we can check our master list to verify membership; however, proper identification will be required.

How do I get more tickets? CLICK HERE to order additional tickets for guests.

Will you be Live Streaming? Yes! Our primary services, we will be available on our YouTube Channel. CLICK HERE to access our Live Stream.